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Securepoint Awareness Plus at a glance

Training for cyber attacks

Builds expertise to counter phishing attacks and online fraud.

Learning success clearly traceable

Training progress presented comprehensibly and comprehensibly in dashboards.

Immediate and interactive learning

Anchors knowledge through individual and playful knowledge transfer.

Customisable attack simulations

High level of attack simulation through industry-specific templates.

Awareness Plus is cybersecurity training with an impact

Cybersecurity training transforms one of the biggest IT security risks into one of the strongest protective measures: Trained and attentive employees can prevent a large number of potential attacks on IT. Phishing, social engineering and other scams are effectively mitigated by a sustainable security culture. This makes people one of the strongest layers of unified security!

Programme content

  • E-learning platform with multimedia learning modules
  • Regular, industry-specific phishing simulations
  • Attacks can be customised for greater credibility
  • 11 learning modules on IT security
  • 6 learning videos on IT security
  • Industry-specific templates for exercises
  • Access to manager portal and analytics dashboard
  • High motivation through gamification elements (points, badges)
  • Certificates for modules passed
  • Teaching of data protection aspects
  • Available in German and English

Employee negligence is the biggest threat to corporate cyber security. Your strongest protection against viruses and Trojans: wide awake colleagues. With Awareness PLUS you establish a sustainable security culture that protects your company and your employees equally.

With Awareness PLUS you have access to a modern e-learning platform with versatile learning modules and extensive customisation options. Templates for sectors such as medical practices, consumer goods manufacturers or public authorities and administration increase the quality of the training.

Train your awareness muscle

Mindfulness and attention become routine through practice. The effect of one-off courses or workshops quickly fades, and once an encryption Trojan has landed on your hard drive, any training comes too late.

Awareness PLUS trains the awareness muscle over the course of a year through varied exercises and sustainably sharpens the view of the risks and dangers of the digital world.

Train your team to be a "human firewall" - stronger and smarter than any AI could be.

Evaluation and analysis

Intuitive dashboards for management visualise programme content and learning progress. Detailed overviews and analyses show how many threats were detected and which attack strategy proved particularly successful. This gives you valuable information on which areas require further training.


Webinar: Klick, Klick, kaputt (German)

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Detect fraud and hacking

Browse and work securely without fear of fraud, data theft and rip-offs: with the right training, you sharpen your senses for the hidden dangers on the web. Through realistic phishing simulations, direct learning experiences and an attractive learning platform, Awareness PLUS establishes a sustainable security culture in the company.

In the webinar, you will learn how easy and effective the training works in everyday life, what evaluation and analysis options are available to you, and what is important when introducing the training in your company.

Cyber awareness training: effects after only a short time

The cybersecurity training Awareness PLUS trains laypeople and professionals alike to be alert to the risks of the internet. "Hagel IT" from Hamburg is already using it with several medium-sized customers and shares initial findings.

Marketing Material (German)

IT security at all levels

G5 Firewall ist in einem Serverschrank eingebaut mit einer roten Beleuchtung

UTM firewall

Securepoint's award-winning NextGen UTM firewall uses machine learning and the expertise of our team of analysts to provide the highest level of security against viruses, Trojans and other malware.

Regler gegen Computervirus wird auf Delete (Löschen) gedreht.

Antivirus for business

Securepoint Antivirus Pro is an extremely slim and effective application that reliably protects end devices from malware, making it a multiple champion in the "Endpoint Protection" category in the Professional User Rating.

Mann hält ein Smartphone in der Hand und sitzt vorm Laptop.

Mobile Security

Mobile Security makes mobile devices incl. iOS/iPadOS devices as secure as in the company network. Manage mobile devices conveniently via a central web interface and control apps, functions and user profiles.

Project team discusses a product

Project team

Our local partners take care of your IT security solutions. For large-scale projects, our Securepoint project team supports you with expertise and a special eye.

Support-Mitarbeiterin von Securepoint im Telefonat mit einem Kunden.


Our 1st and 2nd level support supports our partners and thus your IT security at the end.

Two people shake hands.

Partner network

Our firewall hardware is available to companies through our local Securepoint partners. Our strong partner network stands for regional quality.