KBV-compliant IT security in the health sector
Electronic patient files (ePA), e-prescription, KIM: For the digital exchange and processing of sensitive data in the healthcare sector, the legislator demands the highest IT security. Securepoint enables the KBV-compliant protection of your institution with IT security solutions - Made in Germany.
Lass Dir diese Chance nicht entgehen: Der Gesundheitsbereich wird digitalisiert und Sicherheit wird allerorten gebraucht. Securepoint liefert Dir die Komplettlösung zur Absicherung der Praxis-IT.
Hersteller von Praxisverwaltungssoftware (PVS)
Sie möchten Ihren Kunden erstklassige Qualität und Service bieten. Mit Securepoint erweitern Sie Ihr Portfolio um ausgezeichnete IT-Security made in Germany.
Praxen und MVZ
Damit ihre Abläufe in der Praxis reibungslos und sicher verlaufen, haben wir die Lösung für Ihre IT-Security - und Sie können sich auf die Menschen konzentrieren.
Securepoint is
one of the most successful providers of IT security in the health sector. Our experts and partners know the requirements of the KBV. They have the right solutions for facilities of all sizes and are available to advise you at any time.
In our free summary of the KBV guideline, you will find concrete measures for implementation.
We have the right IT security solutions for your applications:
- You can actively protect your IT network within your practice from viruses, spam and much more with a UTM firewall. We offer various devices for small to large numbers of users - also with WLAN.
- For home visits and working outside your practice, Securepoint Mobile Device Management secures your mobile devices. Through encrypted connections, antivirus and filters, your smartphone, tablet and your data are protected from cyber criminals.
- In addition to hardware and software, your employees are the last resort for IT security. We call this the 'human firewall'. With the training 'Awareness PLUS' you create a sustainable security culture.
The guidelines according to § 75b SGB V are mandatory for all medical practices. They will be extended to other actors in the health care system in the future.
The National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV) published a comprehensive set of rules for the secure handling of patient data. In our free summary of the KBV guideline (PDF, German) you will find specific measures for implementation.
The goal of cybercriminals is to steal or encrypt data. Stolen data is sold and encrypted data is released for a ransom.
No matter what goal the criminals pursue, the economic and image damage is massive. The loss of data or business interruption as well as legal consequences increase the pressure.
The KBV IT Security Guideline (KBV)
"Telematics infrastructure enables ePA, eAU and eRezept" (KBV)
"IT security - notes on the directive, tips on implementation, examples for practice" (KBV Handout PDF)
"IT security: Examples and tips for dealing with cybercrime" (KBV Praxisnachrichten - Practice News)
"T security: What dentists must now prepare for" (Quintessence Publishing Germany)
UTM Firewalls
The basis of network security
- High-end content filter
- Double virus filter
- Anti-spam functions
Antivirus PRO
The antivirus for businesses
- High-performance scan engine
- Fast and unobtrusive
- Central management
Securepoint Mail Security
Keeps the inbox clean
- Cloud-based mail protection
- Top detection rate
- Multi-level analysis
Manage mobile devices centrally
With Mobile Device Management
- Control over apps and rights
- For Apple and Android
- Bring your own device (BYOD)
Reliable data backup
With Unified Backup
- The last protection against ransomware
- Reliable, fast, up-to-date
- Server in Germany
With Awareness PLUS
- Makes employees a "human firewall
- Regular IT security training
- Measurable learning success

As a German IT manufacturer, Securepoint is at your side and supports you in implementing concrete measures to improve IT security.
We are at your disposal with a direct contact person, optimal service and excellent technical support. The TeleTrusT trust mark "IT Security made in Germany" guarantees that our self-developed solutions are free of technical backdoors and implement the highest legal data protection standards.
By using our solutions you ensure integrity, confidentiality and availability. As a partner and manufacturer, we support you with our comprehensive "Unified Security" concept.